Othodox Satanic Order of Illumination (O.S.O.I)

About Orthodox Satanism
Satanic Theology
Majickal Practices
satanic links
Satanic Liturgy

1. Dualism of Satanism

Orthodox Satanism is dualistic which means that Yaweh and Satan or Lucifer are equal for the most part. Yaweh is the Supreme Lord of Oppression and of the Weak and of Deceit. Satan or Lucifer is the Supreme Lord of Freedom and of the Strong and of Truth. They both have their own Hierarchies and lesser gods: Yaweh calls his gods Angels ("Messengers") and Satan calls his gods Daemons ("Guiding Spirits").

2. Nature Oriented

Nature Oriented being reverence for both the natural forces and the Laws governing them (i.e. the laws of Physics, Science, etc.). Basically the notion that: "All that is Natural is Sacred".

3. Gnosis

Or the belief that Secret Knowledge can be be obtained by Illumination. who you get that knowledge from, just as with on "Earth", should be accounted for carefully and with due respect. some Deities/Entities may give half-truths or outright lies. especially Yaweh and his Angels

4. Anarchist Theology

this meaning that we believe we rule ourselves and that through Satan we can free ourselves and as the serpent said in eden that: "your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods."
