Othodox Satanic Order of Illumination (O.S.O.I)

the Satanic Orthodox Creed
Satanic Theology
Majickal Practices
satanic links
Satanic Liturgy

The Satanic Orthodox creed:

We are the Satanic Orthodox Temple, and we hold that Lord Satan is the Supreme God and entity.

We believe that Lord Satan, the omnipotent God of Hell, reigns supreme over all.

We believe that all natural forces are controlled by his children, the daemons.

We believe that all is possible through meditation and spirit majick.

We believe that there is no good and evil only the positive and negative forces of nature within all entities.

We believe that demons and daemons are negatively or positively charged entities.

We believe in feminine and masculine energies, which all beings have without regard to its gender.

We believe in the laws of: polarity, cause and effect, and all other purely natural laws to be the only laws to abide by of our own.

We believe in abiding the laws of the present society unless they are entirely unnecessary.

We believe that the Supreme God is Lord Satan, the only and true God.


We are the true "Masters of Reality".


Ave Satana.
