You will need the following: (1-4) black or red candles, Jasmine or Frankincense
incense, an Image of Baphomet, and a Ritual Dagger or Athame.
ritual steps:
1. Recite the "Invocation of Satan".
2. Recite any Prayers to Satan, the Crown Princes, Gaurdian Daemons,
or other daemons.
3. recite the following praise:
O Satan, I do praise thee,
upon the dark heavens,
to the depths of the abyss,
I praise thee above all else,
thou art Lord of the Earth,
Lord of All, thou art,
O Lord of Hell, Satan,
I praise thee with all my heart
My only God,
God of Hell,
Lord Satan!
4. Take the Dagger or Athame saying: "In the name
of Lord Satan I say this and in his image, I become as the gods!"
5. Then finish up with a big "Hail Satan!"