Othodox Satanic Order of Illumination (O.S.O.I)

Dedication of ritual space to Satan
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Dedication of the chamber

You will need a dagger, candles: black (4) and red (4), incense of either frankincense or jasmine.

High priest/ess:
Face to the west dagger in hand. Point first to the Ankh of Cain then to the sigil of Satan.

Recite: “praise be unto Kali, mother of the destruction of our enemies.”


Thrust the dagger to the west.

Turn clockwise to the north: “praise be unto Satan who created the power within us all.”


Thrust the dagger to the north.

Turn clockwise to the east: praise be unto Tiamat whose womb brought forth the immortal Gods, to whom the will is law!”


thrust the dagger to the east.

Turn clockwise to the south: “praise be unto Lilith grant me this space for my exploits toward achieving GODHEAD, 77”


thrust the dagger to the south.

Turn clockwise to the west once again: “praise be unto the Lord of the Dead, Anubis, may only those benevolent spirits enter this sacred space, and all others be banished from this area of worship and ascent.”


Thrust the dagger westward a final time:


Recite: “within lies Satan, beneath lies Kali, before me lies Tiamat, beyond is Anubis, above is Lilith, to my right is Dagon, to my left is Leviathan, my destiny is before me!”

